Monday, March 27, 2023

How does gematria calculator work

gematria is an ancient method of assigning numerical values to words and phrases in order to uncover secret meanings and insights. The use of gematria goes back thousands of years, used in the Kabbalah, Talmud, and other various religious texts. Today, modern computer technology has allowed for the development of a gematria calculator which can quickly calculate the numerical values of words and phrases. Understanding how this calculator works can help unlock powerful revelations from ancient texts.

A gematria calculator works by assigning a numerical value to each letter in a given word or phrase. These numerical values are derived from ancient Hebrew characters which contain designated numbers within their name. To assign a numerical value to the word or phrase, all that needs to be done is add up all the numeric values associated with each individual letter within the word or phrase.

For example, if we take the word "coding" then we would assign these individual letter values: C=3 O=6 D=4 I=10 N=5 G=7

The sum total value would come out as 35 making it an even number (3+5). This could be interpreted as having strong underlying significance in terms of numerology.

The calculator then uses this mathematical formula to uncover hidden meanings and insights that may have gone undetected if relying on traditional methods of interpretation alone. For instance, Gematria can provide insight into how certain words are related to one another when combined together by revealing their cross-connections and patterns in interesting ways. Combining certain letters with special spiritual meanings might reveal deeper layers of wisdom and understanding which could be difficult to obtain using traditional analysis techniques such as Biblical commentary or textual analysis alone.

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